
Heathcliff, its me, Cathy come home...

Janes last night :D
Snooopy smells badd so I cleaned him out and then fed him and in his food today he had a big piece of Banana and it was so funny trying to watch him sort it cause he was unable to fit it in his cheeks and so was trying to move it so that he could... he gave up and just held it as he ran up to his bed and couldn't get in and fell back down the tubes....
So cute.... and he still thinks he's a mere cat!
Any way this video is hilarious! it's the fact that she practiced this dance and thought she looked good!

College in teh morning YAY(!) and HPV jab on Tuesday... least I miss history for it.... Score... not.
As much as I HATE Keddie I can't miss ANY more history :/

Song for the day
But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles, wanna hold him. Maybe I'll just sing about it.
Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable, and life's like an hourglass, glued to the table. No one can find the rewind button, boys, so cradle your head in your hands, and breathe... just breathe, Oh breathe, just breathe
Breathe (2AM) - Anna Nalick
It's a beautiful song and y'know it just very good.



New blog && shizz cause the old one look craaaaaap!
and it was easier to do a new one than try and sort it ;)
Watched the Shining last night. It was good, would have however been better if I hadn't read the book, but that's always the case, for an 80's film it was really well done :)
and in honour of Mr Leto and Mr Nicholson here is the Kill video because once again i have before utterly addicted to it!

Personally I think it is very well done and a great rep of the film into a music video :) and as I predicted I cannot tell what the frick I was going on about in the few notes I took at the beginning of the film!

In other news I am WELL proud of the banner here :D and I'm trying to tweak things so it all fits together nice and smooothly :) just bear with me!

Song for the day
On my knees, I'll ask last chance for one last dance 'cause with you, I'd withstand all of hell to hold your hand I'd give it all I'd give for us give anything but I won't give up Nickelback - Far Away
reasonBecause I haven't heard it in a while and it came up on shuffle earlier and made me smile :)